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Value Domain

There are a number websites that automatically value domain names, but they are not usually correct. Domain value can be influenced by numerous other factors that algorithms don’t take into account.

Value Domain Names

Value domain names are not cheap domain names. Value domain names are domain names that will rank in Google search results and are worth the time and expense of building out a functional website with content. For example, a given website that ranks well with a first domain name address will not usually rank as well on a new and fresh domain name. While website content and on-page SEO settings are a factor for a website to rank, search engine traffic for an established domain name with an active website will trump a website hosted on a second fresh domain name, even if the first website is deleted to avoid duplicate content on the internet. A domain valuation expert or a domainer may value domain names for businesses. Alternatively, the owner may put the domain name up for auction and the related party may pay an arms-length price through the auction.

Need to Value Domain Names

Accountants often need to value domain names when transferring the asset to a related entity. in the case of a sale of property (whether or not depreciable) between a partnership and a person owning more than 50% of the capital or profit interests in the partnership, or between two commonly controlled partnerships, any gain recognized shall be considered ordinary income if the property is other than a capital asset.

Determining Domain Value

Factors impacting domain value include:

Search Volume

Most expensive domain names

The most expensive domain names are usually generic domain names. Occasionally, domains that match a trademark are sold at a premium, such as See our article about the iCloud trademark.

  1. $35.6 million in 2010[1]
  2. $35 million in 2007 [2]
  3. $30.18 million in 2012[1]
  4. $18 million in 2009[1]
  5. $17 million in 2015[3]
  6. $16 million in 2009 [4]
  7. 2008 £9.99 million[4]
  8. for $14 million in November 2014[4][5]
  9. $11 million in 2001[1]
  10. 2007 $9.5 million[4]
  11. for $8,888,888 in Feb 2015[1]
  12. by Facebook for $8.5 million in November 2010[6]
  13. for $7.5 million in December 1999[4]
  14. 2006 $7.5 million[4]
  15. 2004 $7 million[4]
  16. by Apple Inc. for $6 million in March 2011[7]
  17. for $5.88 million in May 2008[8]
  18. 2003 $5.5 million[4]
  19. 2010 for $5.5 million [9]
  20. Toys ‘R’ Us by auction for $5.1 million in 2009[4]
  21. 2000 for $5.1 million [9]
  22. 2008 for $4.9 million [11]
  23. 2014 for $4.8 million [12]
  24. 2013 September for $4.6 million, acquired by IG Group from Internet Group Brazil [13]
  25. 2011 for $4.2 million by WeedMaps, a subsidiary of General Cannabis Inc.[14]
  26. by CardLab for $4 million in October 2012[15]
  27. by for $3.8 million in November 2008[16]
  28. by Xiaomi for $3.6 million in April 2014[17]
  29. for $3.3 million in August 1998
  30. for $3.1 million in December 2013[18]
  31. for $3.0 million in 2006 [19]
  32. for $3.0 million in June 2009[20]
  33. by Bank of America for $3.0 million in February 2000[21

In 2017, the most expensive domain names have been: sold for $1.5 million in January 2017 sold for $37,000 in February 2017 sold for $28,000 in February 2017 Casino Holding Inc created a site to show casinos that accept bitcoin payments. sold for $22,000 in February 2017 sold for $15,000 sold for $10,000 to the American Civil Liberties Union for the ACLU’s “new effort to engage grassroots volunteers across the country and take the fight against Donald Trump’s policies not just into the courts, but into the streets.”

Domain Name Strategy

Try to register .com domain names and ccTLDs where you do business for keywords that match:

Startup Domain Name Price Guide by Name Ninja

GoDaddy Valuation Engine

GoDaddy launched a valuation engine in 2017. The valuations that it provides seem to be wholesale values.
For example, Visa International Service Association bought visa cards .com for $10,000 in late 2017. On January 2, 2018, GoDaddy values the visa cards .com domain at $5,940 (USD).

The site has no SEO value because it has no content. Oddly, it still shows the Network Solutions auto generated PPC links:

GoDaddy gave a domain valuation of $1420 USD for on January 2, 2018. According to Name Ninja, a two-word .com should be worth $1500 to $50,000. Clearly GoDaddy needs to improve it’s domain valuation algorithm. MBA Staff could be the name of a high-end business staffing agency.

Problems with Estibot valuations:

Estibot sometimes incorrectly categorizes a domain name’s use.
For example, in the case of

Estibot categorized in the education category instead of the mba careers or staffing services categories. A more comparable domain such as sold for $18,000. And sold on a Godaddy Auction for $160,000 USD on 2013-09-17.
Estibot calculated the domain value based on the sale price of other mba related educational information domain names.
Estibot still uses the Overture type-in score even though Overture doesn’t exist anymore.
Estibot incorrectly stated that the average monthly search stats on Google for “mba staff” is zero. And according to the Google AdWords Keyword Planner, the average monthly searches for all ideas is between 100K and 1M!


Search Overview:
  Avg Search Results (keyword): 18,900
  Avg Search Results (sld): 5,890
  Avg Ad Count (keyword): 8
  Avg Ad Count (sld): 1
Traffic Rank:
  Alexa Traffic Rank: 0
  Google Page Rank:
Type-in Score:
  Overture (domain): 0
  Overture (sld): 0
  Overture (keyword):
  Word Tracker (keyword):


Average Monthly Search Stats – Broad Match – mba staff
  Monthly Searches: 1,091
  Cost Per Click: $8.94 USD
  Ad Competition: low
  Data Age: Recent
Average Monthly Search Stats – Exact Match – [mba staff]
  Monthly Searches: 0
  Cost Per Click: $0.00 USD
  Ad Competition: low
  Data Age: Recent
What’s the difference?   The search in [brackets], known as exact search, indicates the number of searches per month for the exact term ‘mba staff’. The broad match indicates the number of monthly searches for any term containing ‘mba staff’, for example ‘cheap mba staff’ or ‘get mba staff now’. We recommend using the exact search number as an indicator of search volume.
No active web site found for This domain does not resolve or redirects too many times.

Domain Name Auction Services

Popular domain name auction services include:    Fee Charged
Bido    %
GoDaddy Auctions    %
Namecheap    %
NameJet    %
Sedo    %
SnapNames    %

How Andrew Rosener Determines the Value of Generic Domain Names

Used the Google AdWords keyword tool to get the average number of people who type in the keywords comprising a generic domain name every month.  Then multiply that average monthly search volume by the CPC x 12 or x 36 months, to determine the present value of a domain name.


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